The Dragonfly pre-k kids are doing an inquiry study on firefighters. They decided to make a fire truck with blocks. They first carefully drew their plans on the easel prior to block construction.
(R)“We had an idea to draw a fire truck, so we copied it different. Then we
started making it. I made something to get inside the fire truck.”
(L)“I gave her the idea to put the siren on there. (Points to blocks) This is the
siren we drew in our plans.”
Next they used a book about Fire Fighters to research fire trucks in order to help them build their own fire
truck in the block area!
“We used the book
because we didn't know if we wanted to use sirens, so we decided to use a book
to find a picture of a siren.”
“We didn't know how we were going to make it [the fire truck] so the book
showed us pictures to use.”
Ta da! Presenting the Dragonfly's very own fire truck.